Monday, April 2, 2012

Cycling this week - 04/01/2012

This past Sunday I did one of my staple rides, the river trail loop.  Down the Rio Hondo river, cross over to the San Gabriel River at the Rosemead Blvd. junction and then up the San Gabriel river to the Santa Fe dam.  After riding through the dam, I continue up the river trail to Duarte, then home by way of Monrovia, Arcadia, Temple City and finally San Gabriel.  37 miles in 2:23.  Below are some pictures from the San Gabriel river trail and the dam area.  It was a beautiful day, breezy and sunny, it rained the night before, so the air was still very cool.

Here is a view from the river trail - heading up the San Gabriel river.

This is just a little farther up the river.  You never know when they will be letting water run out.

These signs are fairly new.  An organization is installing little parks along the river trail and branding the entire project.

Here is a view from atop the dam.

This is the trail as it heads up towards the mountains.


  1. That looks like a great road surface to ride on....


  2. It sure is, most of the 40 miles of trail from the mountains to the sea is newly paved within the past two years.
