Monday, June 25, 2012

Cycling this week - 06-24-2012

On Fathers day Irit and I rode around the Santa Fe dam area for a total of 23 miles.  I got in big trouble because she only wanted to ride about 12 miles, and after looking down on the computer and seeing that we had already gone 11 miles, and we hadn't even started back yet, she was concerned.  As it turned out, she made it back with no problems.  Afterward, we had a backyard barbeque with Lauren and Kristin.  A fabulous Fathers day.

On Wednesday the 20th, I met up with Rich, Jen, Simon, and Irit. We went riding out in the Lancaster area.  The girls and Simon went out to Apollo park (now minus the space capsule) and back for a total of about 16 miles, while Rich and I continued out and around the Tropico Mine, along the Kern County line.  On the way back it hit 111 degrees (too hot to ride) and Rich crashed in the soft dirt on the side of the road.  Luckily, he didn't have any permanent damage and we continued back home.  We had about 56 miles in the 100+ degree heat.

Riding partners Simon and Rich.

Some desert scenery.

More desert scenery.

Jen and Irit were on the tandem - cool party shades.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cycling this week - 06-10-2012

This past week I got off my lazy butt and commuted to work and back two days, for a total of 30 miles.  On Saturday I took a spin up the river trail and through the dam area, over to Duarte and back home for a total of 29.5 miles.  On Sunday Irit and I rode up to the Huntington Library for 7.5 miles total.  This marking a return to cycling for Irit after not riding for 5 weeks.  Total for the week was 67 miles.

Here is a picture of the river trail as it winds it way up through the dam area towards Duarte - just off to the right...

is this red sign off in the distance (hard to see, zoom in).  It is the Miller brewery - Now, if they could just connect the bike path with the beer factory, I think I would have to move.

On Sunday Irit (pictured here) and I rode up to the Huntington Library, marking her return to cycling after about 5 weeks of not riding.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cycling this week - 06-02-2012

So, there was no cycling this week at all, in any way shape or form. - See last weeks post for my 140 + miles.